Holy Family Hospital, Bandra, Mumbai organized a CME titled ‘Padiatric Update’ on 25th June 2022 in the Morello Hall situated on 6th Floor of the hospital.

Morello Hall being Setup for CME

THE CME was first of its kind given the fact that this was the first CME to take place in physical format since the lockdown was imposed.  It was also the first Paediatric CME to be organized in Holy Family Hospital.

Under the able  guidance pf Medical Director Dr Ian D’souza and the efforts of Paeditric team consisting of Dr R D Khare, Dr Deepak Tirthani and Dr harvinder Palaha, the CME started with lunch at 1230 hrs and then the first talk was a welcome address by Medical Director Dr Ian D’souza . Dr Ian was in home quarantine as he had tested positive for COVID and sent a video recording of his address. He expressed his happiness to see the CME happening and took us down the ,memory lane when CMEs were being held earlier without much technological support. He also mentioned the yeomen contribution of Research Department heads namely Drs Euctace D’souza  and Dr Charles Pinto who spearheaded the CME scene till the pandemic started.

Dr. Ian D'souza addressing the Doctors through
Video Message

The Master of ceremonies Dr Prachi then took over and laid the context for the first session by Dr R D Khare, senior paediatrician and a much acclaimed clinician of our times. Dr Khare held the audience spellbound with his simple but very powerful messages on approach to a sick child and OPD management of common paediatric emergencies.

Dr. R D Khare Starting off his message on
"OPD Management of common paediatric

The second session was by Dr Harvinder Palaha and she spoke about Kangaroo Mother Care being the miracle of 21st Century. She shared various studies and evidence to prove that KMC is the best care for Low Birth weight babies and that it should be universally practiced.

Dr. Harvinder Palaha taking her session on
"Kangaroo Mother Care"

Dr Deepak Tirthani was the third speaker and took a very interesting session on importance of nutrition for growth and development of infants with special emphasis on complimentary feeds.

Dr. Deepak Tirthani elaborating on the "Importance
of Nutrition"

The quizmaster Dr Ankita and Dr Aamir asked very pertinent questions after each session and the winners were rewarded with chocolates on the spot!

Last session was an interesting Panel Discussion moderated by Dr Vineeti Dalal titled’ Healthy mothers, Healthy babies.

The panellists were Dr Sanjay Sharma(Paediatrician), Dr Michelle Victor(Gynaecologists),Dr Jui Mankde(Paediatric Surgeon),Dr Rini Shah(Paediatric Endocrinologist),Dr Ashini Maniar(Paediatric Ophthalmologist)

The Panellist - Dr Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Michelle Victor,
Dr. Jui Mandke, Dr. Rini Shah and Dr. Ashini Maniar
(From Left to Right)

Panel Discussion moderated by Dr. Viniti Dalal
"Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies"

Dr Vineeti superbly conducted the panel discussion and various aspects of healthy mothers viz importance of ANC checkups, management of preterm labour, management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and experience of 13 cases, common endocrinological problems viz hypothroidism, short stature, neonatal hypoglycaemia and importance of routine eye check up and common ophthalmological problems were discussed lucidly by all panelists.

Dr Melville Mathias, Medical Superintendent, Holy family Hospital facilitated all speakers and gave a very heart felt vote of thanks.

Dr. Melville Mathias facilitating all Speakers with
his vote of thanks

This report will not be complete without mentioning the wonderful work of Isaac who prepared all the brochures and took charge of registrations. Priyanka who got the CME the much needed credit points and liaised with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth conduction of the CME, Jude who helped with the audio set up, Mayur who was in charge of IT, laptops, wifi and all the HFH housekeeping staff for hall arrangements.

Indeed the CME was successful largely due to a well synchronised team work and was very well received by the participants.

Dr Harvinder Palaha
Holy Family Hospital
