Keyhole surgery/Laparoscopic surgery/Minimal access surgery

Laparoscopy (from ancient Greek lapara-flank side and skopeo – to see) is an operation performed in the abdomen or pelvis using a small incision (0.5- 1 cm) with the aid of camera. The laparoscopy aids diagnosis and therapeutic interventions with a few small cuts in the abdomen. There are two types of surgery – Open surgery and minimal access surgery.

Open surgery is the more traditionally understood type of surgery, with long incision is around 6-12 inches. Laparoscopic surgery also called as minimal access surgery (MIS), bandaid surgery or keyhole surgery is a modern surgical technique. Laparoscopic surgery includes operations within the abdominal and pelvic cavities whereas keyhole surgery performed on the chest cavity are called thoracoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic is a type of surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to access inside of abdomen and pelvis through a keyhole size incision. In laparoscopic surgery a tiny fibre optic tool with the camera and light on the end is inserted through small incision. The laparoscope transmits image in real time on a high definition video monitor allowing the surgery in a similar manner as if it was an open surgery.

Advantages of Laparoscopic surgery

There are several reasons you might be glad to have laparoscopic rather than a traditional open surgery.

  • Smaller incision – less scar
  • Shorter hospitals stay and return to work
  • Less pain and analgesic requirement
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Lower rate of incisional hernia
Laparoscopic surgery use in…

Depending on a patient’s health and medical condition, laparoscopic surgeries can be performed for following conditions.

  • Appendectomy /Gall bladder removal
  • Hernia repair / diaphragmatic hernia repair
  • Small bowel / large bowel/ oesophageal surgery
  • Adrenal / thyroid surgery/ obesity surgery
  • Solid organ surgery (spleen and liver)
  • Gastric surgery / thoracoscopic decortication
  • Urology (kidney) – gynaecological surgery (Uterus surgery)

Minimal invasive surgery are constantly advancing and evolving. Recent advance in minimal access surgery are Single incision Laparoscopic surgery (SILS) and robotic assisted surgery. Robotic assisted surgery allow for a greater degree of precision and flexibility as well as smaller incision than an open surgery.

Dr. Hirav Parikh (Consultant Gastrointestinal and Laparoscopic surgeon)
MBBS, MS (general surgery), FMAS, FALS, FNB (Minimal access surgery)

Holy Family Hospital Bandra West, Mumbai


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